Broadway Singing Competition

Rating: /10

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Movie Story


ALL SEATS • $12 [each round]

PEOPLE’S CHOICE :: You can vote for your favorites and help them move on in the competition with your votes via VENMO! You do not have to attend to vote. $1 = 1 Vote, $5 = 5 Votes, etc. || VENMO to @thirtybyninety
** Make sure to use the code next to the contestant’s name below in the memo.

Friday, February 23 – 7:00 PM – Round 1 Preliminary

7-12 Years Old
Olivia Yi (OY)
Sofi Parker (SP)
13-17 Years Old
Liam Favre (LF)
Imogen Hebert (IH)
18-39 Years Old
Mitchell Kogan (MK)
Nathan Parrish (NP)
Madeline Golden (MG1)
Karen Watson (KW)
Charles Meeks (CM)

Saturday, February 24 – 4:00 PM – Round 2 Preliminary
7-12 Years Old
Kaitlyn Gidman (KG)
Ella Berthelot (EB)
13-17 Years Old
Olivia Wallace (OW)
Antonia Del Rio (AD)
18-39 Years Old
James Rivard (JR)
Cat Foerster (CF)
Camille Talbot (CT)
Katharine Kay (KK)
Elizabeth Lyon (EL)

Saturday, February 24 – 7:00 PM – Round 3 Preliminary
7-12 Years Old
Blake Bosley (BB)
Reese Benedic (RB)
13-17 Years Old
Gracyn Dunavant (GD)
Kate Comeaux (KC)
18-39 Years Old
Maggie Groves (MG2)
Stephanie Cooke (SC)
Ty Robbins (TR)
Joy Bosley (JB)
Yvette Gross (YG)

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