A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Rating: /10

Show Info

Movie Story

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a whimsical comedy by William Shakespeare that intertwines the lives of humans and fairies. Set in a forest near Athens, the play follows four young lovers and a group of amateur actors who become entangled in the magical mischief of the fairy realm. The mischievous Puck, under the orders of Oberon, the fairy king, uses a love potion that causes chaos and comic confusion among the characters. Themes of love, transformation, and the interplay between reality and fantasy are explored through witty dialogue and enchanting scenes. The play ultimately concludes with harmony restored and multiple marriages, celebrating the joyful complexity of love and imagination.

ADULTS • $22 || SENIORS (65+) & MILITARY • $20
STUDENTS (13+) • $17 || KIDS (12 and under) • $14

JANUARY 18, 24, 25, 31; FEBRUARY 1 || 8:00 PM
JANUARY 19, 26; FEBRUARY 2 || 2:30 PM

// photos by :: Jeremy Lala

Show Crew

John Wesley

Courtney Lee

Stage Manager

Audition Details

30 by Ninety Theatre in collaboration with Louisiana Shakespeare Company presents
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

Rehearsals will run from December 9 to January 17.
Please prepare either a classical comedic monologue– please refrain from choosing a piece from Midsummer… we’ll be using material from the show for callbacks –OR feel free to adapt your favorite pop song into the language of Shakespeare! Don’t know what to pick? No worries! We have some selections available for you below.

Audition Material

— December will mark the beginning of blocking/stage rehearsals. Character/language rehearsals will be scheduled based on the availability of actors and the language coach. If you are aware of any conflicts, please indicate them on the audition signup form or during the audition in order to facilitate scheduling.

* If you would like to audition but are unable to attend the initial round of auditions on the 26th, please contact info@30byNinety.com.

Register for the audition here.
Questions can be directed to info@30byNinety.com with the subject line: Midsummer.

Role Details

Theseus/Oberon: Male, 30s-50s. || As the Duke of Athens, Theseus is a heroic figure of Greek mythology and is recently married to the Amazon Queen Hippolyta. Oberon is king of the fairies and schemes with Puck to take Titania’s changeling ward.

Hippolyta/Titania: Female, 30s-50s. || Hippolyta is Queen of the Amazons, daughter to the God of War. Titania is Queen of the fairies. After taking in her friend’s child as her ward, she is made to fall in love with Bottom after he has been given a donkey’s head.

Egeus: Male, 40s-60s. || Father of Hermia, conflicts with her over her desire to marry Lysander instead of Demetrius.

Helena: Female, 15-20s. || Helena is best friends with Hermia, but is also envious of the attention afforded to her by Demetrius. Passionately in love with Demetrius, she follows him into the woods when he leaves to follow Hermia.

Hermia: Female, 15-20s. || Hermia is best friends with Helena, and is doted upon by both Lysander and Demetrius. She runs off into the woods with Lysander to escape a forced marriage to Demetrius.

Demetrius: Male, 15-20s. || In love with Hermia, he follows Hermia and Lysander into the woods. He is brash and assertive, later bewitched by Puck into falling in love with Helena.

Lysander: Male, 15-20s. || In love with Hermia, he runs off with her into the woods. He is the more calculating and logical of the male lovers, later bewitched by Puck into falling in love with Helena.

Philostrate: || Master of Revels to Theseus, accompanies Theseus and Hippolyta.

Peter Quince: Male, 20s-50s. || One of the Mechanicals, a sort of de facto organizer of the group, yet Quince is laid back and so go-with-the-flow that he probably wouldn’t call himself a leader.

Nick Bottom: Male, 20s-50s. || One of the Mechanicals, Bottom is sharp and quick witted. He thinks himself a theatrical genius and will make sure everyone knows it.

Francis Flute: Male, 20s – 50s. || One of the Mechanicals, Flute is the pretty-boy type who’s chuffed that he didn’t get the male lead, but has to play the love interest.

Snug: Male, 20s – 50s. || One of the Mechanicals, Snug is the wallflower of the group. He will contently fade into the background while the others take the attention.

Tom Snout: Male, 20s – 50s. || One of the Mechanicals, Snout is excited to participate. Eager to learn from seasoned actors like Bottom.

Robin Starveling: Male, 20s-50s. || One of the Mechanicals, Starveling is the parent friend of the group trying to keep everyone together and on track.

Puck: 20s-30s. || A mischievous fairy who helps Oberon take custody of Titania’s ward. He bewitches Lysander and Demetrius to fall in love Helena.

Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, Mustardseed: 15 – 20s. || Fairies who serve Titania.

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